International Association of
Canadian National Chapter

IAH-CNC membership runs per calendar year, and includes annual IAH membership. Click here to go to the secure IAH-CNC Member site to renew, or to sign up as a new member.

IAH-CNC Membership Classes and Fees

Full Member $145

As a full member you will receive a paper copy of Hydrogeology Journal, newsletters and reduced fees at all IAH-sponsored conferences and discounts on IAH books. Everyone who is a member of IAH, regardless of the country fee they pay, and regardless of whether they join as individuals, through a National Chapter or as part of a company corporate membership, has the same standing, voting rights and membership benefits.

Full Member (2-year IAH Student Transition) $108.75

IAH-CNC Student Members who have completed their studies may renew as Full Members and receive a 25% discount for the first two years after graduation. This offer is only available to individuals who were active IAH/IAH-CNC student members within the previous two calendar years.

Online Member $130

Online members receive exactly the same full member benefits but all documentation is sent and accessed electronically. The main motivation for this is to reduce the hard copy distribution for members who are happy to receive these electronically. When the next Hydrogeology Journal is available on-line, normally at least a month before the hard copy publication, on-line members are sent an e-mail alert.

Online Member (2-year IAH Student Transition) $97.50

IAH-CNC Student Members who have completed their studies may also renew as Online Members and receive a 25% discount for the first two years after graduation. This offer is only available to individuals who were active IAH/IAH-CNC student members within the previous two calendar years.

Student Full Member $50

Student full members receive full membership benefits either by mail or on-line at their choice. Student membership lasts for two years in the first instance and will not be renewed unless a statement of continuing student status is received from the university or college authorities.

Student Online Member $40

Student online members receive exactly the same benefits as student full members, but all documentation is sent and accessed electronically. When the next Hydrogeology Journal is available on-line, normally at least a month before the hard copy publication, on-line members are sent an e-mail alert.

Student Associate ($0)

The IAH-CNC offers a no-charge web-membership option to students enrolled in Canadian hydrogeology programs to encourage more student involvement. This was a key decision made at the 2007 Executive Meeting to help students become more involved.

Registered students can sign up for a free virtual membership to IAH-CNC under the category "Student Associate";

IAH-CNC Student Associates will receive:

  1. IAH-CNC email communication for each region and nationally for events
  2. Reduced registration fees for IAH-CNC events, including the annual conference. The Student Associate membership does not include membership in IAH International, or voting rights.
Eligibility for the Student Associate membership will be determined by current registration in a college or university hydrogeology program.

Retired Member $70

A retired member continues, at a reduced rate, to support IAH and IAH-CNC after they have retired from the profession, and maintains contact with the "IAH family", receiving the IAH-CNC Bulletin, Groundwater eNews and reports. Retired members do not receive Hydrogeology Journal by mail or have on-line access to the full papers.

Corporate Membership $825

Since 2002 IAH has operated its corporate membership scheme to encourage companies to enroll their staff as personal members of IAH through a single annual company payment.

For the basic fee a company becomes a corporate member of the Association and can nominate three of its employees as Full Members. Firms may also register any number of additional corporate staff members as full or online members at a reduced cost. Members joining this way have the same individual membership and voting rights of any member of the Association. Further details can be found at

Corporate members enjoy the following benefits:

  • 50% discount on advertising space in News and Information
  • Promotion opportunities at IAH Congresses and other exposure as a corporate member in IAH publicity.
  • Additional Corporate Staff Members: $105/yr - For an additional fee per person, the company can nominate any number of additional corporate staff members as full or online members.

Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) Registration Options

IAH-CNC members are eligible for reduced fees to join the Canadian Geotechnical Society.

Regular CGS Member: Add $150 (includes mailed Canadian Geotechnique and online access to the Canadian Geotechnical Journal). The applicable GST/HST of your province is collected by CGS so will be added.

For additional CGS membership options please refer to the CGS web site at

International Association of Hydrogeologists - Canadian National Chapter
2167 166 Street, Surrey BC, V3Z 0V6
© 2021 IAH Canadian National Chapter